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National conference with international participation
Education of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment

The Department of Special Psychopedagogy within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca) invites you to participate in the conference to disseminate the results of the Erasmus + PrECIVIM project (Promoting Effective Communication for Individuals with a Vision Impairment and Multiple Disabilities) with the theme "Educating people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment" which will take place online, through the ZOOM platform, on November 27, 2020, starting at 12:00.
Guest lecturers: 

Vassilis ARGYROPOULOS, Charikleia KANARI, Maria PAPAZAFIRI (University of Thessaly - Volos, Greece),

Marcia NORONHA DE MELLO (Benjamin Constant Institute - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil),

Emine AYYILDIZ (Medeniyet University Istanbul, Turkey),

Claudia Vasilica BORCA (West University - Timisoara, Romania),

Mihaela MOLDOVAN (CSEI Cristal - Oradea, Romania) and

Etelka CZONDI (Sense International Romania).


Andrea HATHAZI, Ioana Letiția ȘERBAN, Cristina BĂLAȘ-BACONSCHI, Marian PĂDURE (Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca) and

Olimpia LUCA, Emilia DRAGOMIR (Special High School for the Visually Impaired from Cluj-Napoca).

The conference is addressed to psychoeducational teachers, specialists working in the field of multiple disabilities, hearing disabilities, visual disabilities, severe, severe and profound disabilities.

People registered for the conference will receive a certificate of participation.

In order to attend the online conference, it is necessary to fill in the registration form: 
Limited number of places. The principle of registration is - first come, first served.


Continuing to complete this form represents your agreement to use your data (name and surname, email address, mobile phone number, institution to which I am affiliated) to be processed in: contacting you, making the conference attendance sheet, making participation certificates. Your email address is used to send you an automatic message.
By continuing to complete the form, you agree that the Department of Special Psychopedagogy will record the dissemination conference to be attached to the activity report for the ERASMUS + Agency. At the same time, you agree that the Department of Special Psychopedagogy will make overviews with the conference participants, to be posted on our Facebook page.

The list of participants will not be made public.
