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The proposed project PrECIVIM (Promoting Effective Communication for Individuals with a Vision Impairment and Multiple Disabilities) was approved by the Erasmus+ Programme in relation to Key Action 2. Specifically, 10 organizations are included in PrECIVIM project and will share their knowledge and experience to address the objectives of the project. Three of them are universities (University of Thessaly - UTH, University Babes Bolyai – UBB and Roehampton University – RU, four of them are special schools for the blind and multiple disabled visually impaired students (Special School for the Deafblind – Greece, Liceul Special pentru Deficienti de Vedere (LSDV) -Romania, Whitefield Academy Trust –UK and St Barnabas School for the Blind – Cyprus), one is a non-profit non-governmental organization (Amimoni – Panhellenic Association of parents and friends of visually impaired people with additional handicaps) and one is an IT Company. Also the European Blind Union (EBU) which is a non-governmental, non profit organization is a silent partner of the project and will support the dissemination of the project’s results.
PrECIVIM project acknowledges the need to train teachers regarding how to assess and teach communication skills to children with visual impairments and multiple disabilities (MDVI). Communication is fundamental in learning, acceptance by peers and meaningful participation in the home and community. Assessing communicative skills in children with MDVI is a challenge. Hence, the proposed project aims to address the following objectives:

The main activities included in PrECIVIM project concern the management, assurance and evaluation activities, the scoping and the development of training material into the format of a syllabus framework, the implementation of training activities, the development of a learning and communication platform (portal) for the project, the development of a best practices guide and a policy recommendations and guidelines report as well as dissemination activities.
The expected tangible results of the PrECIVIM include the scoping, the syllabus, report from the mutual learning experience and the development of the best practices guide and policy guidelines and recommendations.


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