National Online Conference with International Participation
Education of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment: Contemporary trends and challenges


The University of Thessaly invites you to participate in the conference entitled “Education of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment: Contemporary trends and challenges” which is organized within the Erasmus + project “PrECIVIM-Promoting Effective Communication for Individuals with a Vision Impairment and Multiple Disabilities”.  The conference will take place online, through MS-TEAMSplatform, on December 5, 2020 starting at 17:00 (Greek time, EET) (i.e. 16:00 Central European Time).

Invited Speakers: 

  • John Ravenscroft,University of Edinburgh, UK
  • Emine Ayyildiz,Istanbul Medeniyet University, Turkey
  • Judit Gombas & Dorina Dormer,Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
  • Andrea Hathazi,Dr.Ioana Letitia Serban, Dr. Cristina Balas-Baconschi & Dr. Marian Padure,Babes-Bolyai University, Romania
  • Christiana Zotou, Dionysia Vasilara & Lenia Aidonidou, AMIMONI,


In order to participate it is necessary to fill in the registration form: PrECIVIM Registration Form 


The number of participants will be limited, and registrations will be handled on a first-come, first-served basis.


To Connect: After your registration you will receive an e-mail with the guidelines regarding your connection to the MS-TEAMS.



The registration form includes your agreement to use your data (name and surname, email address, institution etc.) to be processed in: contacting you, making the conference attendance sheet, making participation certificates. Your email address is used to send you an automatic message.

By continuing to complete the PrECIVIM Registration Form you agree that the University of Thessaly will record the dissemination conference to be attached to the activity report for the ERASMUS +  National Agency. At the same time, you agree that the University of Thessaly will make overviews with the conference participants, to be posted on PrECIVIM website and our Facebook page.



1. Participants need to log in to the conference in order to receive a Confirmation of Participation


2. The registration form will be active until December 3 (12:00, EET)