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University of Thessaly(UTH) Project Coordinator, GR |
The University of Thessaly (UTH) was founded in 1984 and has elected the first Rectorate Board in 1998. Its present academic structure consists of eighteen (18) Departments, six (6) Faculties. The main mission of the University of Thessaly is the promotion of scientific knowledge through research and the contribution to the cultural and economic development of the local community and wider society. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards. The excellent equipped Laboratories of the different Departments and Research Units have a number of well-trained researchers to support them. The members of the academic and research staff participate in European research networks and numerous innovative research projects in the EC. The University is participating in a large number of national and European R&D projects (more information can be found at http://www.uth.gr/main/research/main/research_en_links.html). The University of Thessaly has an inclusive policy for students with disabilities. An accessibility centre "Prosvasi" (in english Accessibility) aims to support the students with disabilities and their teachers in order to enhance their physical, academic and social access and inclusion in the university as well as afterwards. Through the accessibility website (http://prosvasi.uth.gr) students and academics can get informed about the support services that Prosvasi provides, such as the peer tutoring programme, the differentiated and Design for all strategies in relation to instruction, assessment and building construction (e.g. creating ramps).
Contact: Vassilios Argyropoulos, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.uth.gr
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Babes-Bolyai University RO |
Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj –Napoca assumes the complex role of providing a performant education, an innovative scientific research at national and international level and specialized services platforms to the community. The University represents the institution where the academic community is searching for new solutions to permanent changes in the society and nowadays’ world. Babes-Bolyai University, as an academic educational public institution, aims to promote specific cultural components within the local, regional, national and international community. The general mission is to generate and to transfer the knowledge respecting modern University concepts- education, research and community services. Particularly, BBU’s mission is focused on the following objectives: To ensure knowledge creation through an intensive research process; To ensure the training of students and researchers as active and responsible citizens by promoting education and research according to the requirements of a knowledge and values-based society, through initial training, ongoing education and integration into the circuit of universal values; To provide a framework for multiculturalism, multi-linguistic and interconfessional interfaces by offering training on equal terms, in Romanian, Hungarian, German, and other international languages; To contribute to the local, regional and national development in terms of social, economic, cultural and political values, through an involvement according to the community needs. Babes-Bolyai University is organized in faculties, departments, academic extensions, institutes, libraries, laboratories, research units, museums, etc. The Special Education Department within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences is a traditional one; it is the first department of special education founded in Romania in 1960, being recognized as the best in the country due to the curriculum, teachers, accessibility and educational centers and research and development projects.
Contact: Andrea Hathazi, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.ubbcluj.ro
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University of Roehampton (UR) UK |
The University of Roehampton (UR) in London has a long-standing tradition of innovation in Education. UR’s Whitelands College was established over 170 years ago as the first all-women teacher training college in the country. As a pioneer in this field, UR has provided higher education to women for longer than any other institution in the UK. At present, UR has approximately 9000 students of over 100 different nationalities and over 1000 members of staff from different parts of the world.
The School of Education is renowned for its high-quality teaching and research, and remains one of the principal teacher training providers in the UK. In the latest Research Excellence Framework (2014), UR was the 3rd best ranked of any university in London for research quality in Education and the best modern university in London in this subject area. Special Educational Needs and Inclusive Education may be studied in the School both at undergraduate and postgraduate level in a range of modules and pathways. Academic staff specialising in this field have national and international reputations, and a track record of high quality research publications. Staff at the School of Education moreover work closely with a range of partner schools in over 20 Local Education Authorities and have extensive experience of leading and taking part in transnational projects funded by the European Commission.
Contact: Dr. Leda Kamenopoulou, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.roehampton.ac.uk
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Whitefield Academy Trust UK |
In April 2014, Whitefield Schools and Centre and its partner school, Joseph Clarke School, joined together to become Whitefield Academy Trust.
Whitefield Schools and Centre (now known as Whitefield Schools) was established in 1903. It caters for pupils from 3-19 years with a wide range of special needs including autism, complex needs and multi- sensory impairments. It has an international reputation in special education expertise, curriculum and resources.
Joseph Clarke School was established in 1918 (and is looking forward to celebrating its centenary in 2018). The school caters for pupils from 3-19 years is highly regarded for its expertise in visual impairment teaching. It attracts pupils from across London and surrounding counties with visual impairment and/or complex needs.
Together with our Research and Development Centre we provide support, training and resources for other educational settings looking to improve the way they cater for their students with special needs and visual impairment.
Contact: Geraldine O’Grady This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.whitefield.org.uk
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European Blind Union (EBU) FR |
The European Blind Union (EBU) is a non-governmental, non profit-making European organization founded in 1984. One of the six regional bodies of the World Blind Union, it represents, protects and promotes the interests of blind and partially-sighted people in continental Europe, including 27 of the EU-28 Member States, the EEA countries and the candidate countries associated to the EU. EBU currently has 44 national members, made up of the organizations representing blind and partially sighted people in their respective countries. EBU works towards the advancement of the well-being of blind and partially sighted people with the goal of equality and full participation in society. It provides a European Forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in the field of blindness and partial sight. Blind and partially sighted individuals are members of their respective national organizations.
Contact: Mokrane BOUSSAÏD, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.euroblind.org
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DB-DATABANK S.A. is a leading European IT services company, established in 1992 as a member of the INTRACOM Group of Companies. It has an outstanding record of providing IT solutions to governments, public organizations and private enterprises in most of the European countries. DB-DATABANK has advanced infrastructures and the know-how in the technologies of software engineering, information system and networks design, automated content collection-management systems and in the design of high demand telephone customer service systems. It systematically invests in human resources, technology and national-international partnerships with the ultimate goal of providing integrated services through networks of landline and mobile telephony, Internet and Mobile Internet. Its recognition in the market is because of the fact that it comprehends and meets the needs of its customers. That is why it provides its customers with a wide range of services with guaranteed functionality and 24hour support.
Contact: George Thanopoulos, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.databank.com.gr
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"Amimoni" Panhellenic Association of Parents and Friends of the Visually Impaired People with Additional Special Needs GR |
Amimoni is the Panhellenic Association of Parents and Friends of the Visually Impaired People with Additional Special Needs (i.e autism, learning disabilities, motor and sensory impairenments confounded to blindness). It is a private, non profit organization founded in Athens in 1993, necessitated by parents whose children can’t fight for their rights by themselves. It is a Member of the Panhellenic Association of Parents and Guardians of the Disabled.
Amimoni's actions:
- Amimoni is organizing seminars on issues related to rehabilitation and treatment of the visually impaired with additional special needs and participated in joint projects needs with affiliated agencies,
- Amimoni is organizing and conducting camp programs promoting independent living skills,
- Amimoni is conducting nationwide registry of visually individuals with additional disabilities.
Amimoni’s main achievements are:
- EARLY INTERVENTION: the creation of a program for toddlers and children up to 7 years old. Our program, takes place of every child’s home in strong cooperation with family members.
- IRIDA: the creation of a Day Center for children and adults with vision problems and additional disabilities, which works on a weekly basis and it refers to 37 trainees, in Athens. It is the unique Center of its kind in the whole country.
- POLICHKNI: the creation of a training program for independent living skills. It refers to students from the age of 15 and up. It works every week from Friday evening to Monday time, five students participate with five morning and each trainers.
- STEGI: it is the first house in Greece specially structured to accommodate for life, visually impaired people with additional handicaps. It is a house made with respect on the needs of those who live in it. Qualified personnel is daily engaged with the care and the service of the increased needs of our children.
Contact: Lenia Aidonidou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. & Dionisia Vasilara This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.amimoni.gr
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Special High School for the Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca RO |
The Special High School for the Visually Impaired Cluj-Napoca is the first school for blind children in Romania, with more than 117 years of activity.
The main goal of the Special High School for the Visually Impaired is to prepare every student for a successful transition towards life challenges and to offer opportunities for social and work inclusion. In order to meet their unique needs, we provide specialised services, books and materials in appropriate media formats(including braille), as well as adapted equipment and technology to ensure equal access to the specialised core curricula, and to enable them to most effectively compete with their peers in school and in society.
The High School for the Visually Impaired is a pre-university institution, under the coordination of The Ministry of Education and Scientific Research, the District School Inspectorate of Cluj and the District Council of Cluj.
Located in the central area of Cluj-Napoca, one of the cities in Romania well known for its good university development, The Special High School for the Visually Impaired distinguishes itself in comparison to other similar schools in Romania, by its educational offer, which consists not only of high standard services, coherent with the national governmental curriculum, but also of developing programs as early intervention and one-to-one focused services for pupils with multiple disabilities.
The Special High School for the Visually Impaired has got the honourable mission to train the visually impaired child and teenager. Because we believe in our purpose, our doors are open for all children with visual impairment who have the appropriate age for going to school, and, respectively, the special need to receive adapted education, to gain knowledge, to be accepted as they are and be socially integrated, towards the achievement of a harmonious lifestyle.
Contact: MUREȘAN RAMONA IONELA This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.ldv.ro
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Special Primary School for Deafblind Students GR |
In the Special Primary School for Deafblind Students in Athens, Greece, we offer individualized and comprehensive educational programs. The priority of these programs is the early communication and cognitive development of 6 to 14 year old students. In this context we create an interactive educational environment fostering the student’s communication and concept development, independence, and choice making. In addition to the academic education our curriculum includes the subjects of communication, social, play and independent-living skills, and pre-vocational training. The curriculum content is incorporated into experiential learning activities implemented through a multisensory approach and alternative communication methods.
Contact: Maria Zeza This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: dim-eid-keat.att.sch.gr
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St Barnabas School for the Blind CY |
The St Barnabas School for the Blind, situated in Nicosia, Cyprus is the only educational institution of its kind in Cyprus. The establishment of the school in 1929 marked the beginning of the provision of special education in Cyprus. Upon the independence of Cyprus in 1960, a new era of development and upgrading of the role of St Barnabas as a Special School for the Blind began.
Today, St Barnabas is a multi-dynamic centre providing a wide range of services that include:Special education for children with Visual Impairment (VI)
- Support services for students with VI attending mainstream educational settings
- Support services for VI students who attend Higher Education Institutions in Cyprus and abroad
- Environmental audits
- Vocational training programmes for adults
- Training programmes for adults aiming towards the enhancement of creativity, skills and self-development
- Afternoon programmes for students who attend mainstream schools on various subjects
- Telephony Department
- Training in the use of technology
- An Early Intervention Programme for children with VI and their families
- School for parents
- Recording and transcription services
- A unit for children with VI and additional disabilities
- Programme of education for persons with deaf-blindness
- Support services for employed persons with VI
- Psychological support and counseling
- Social services
- Cooperation with other institutions and organisations (i.e. The Department of Antiquities, The National Theatre of Cyprus) regarding the accessibility and material adaptations for persons with VI
Contact: Maria Kyriacou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Website: www.schoolfortheblind.net